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    Weight Loss Surgery

    weight loss surgery surgery in Tijuana, Mexico changes your digestive system and helps you lose weight by removing or rerouting a portion of your stomach.

    Weight Loss Surgery – Tijuana, Mexico

    Are you suffering from obesity and having trouble losing weight? If so, then weight loss surgery in Tijuana, Mexico could certainly be the right option for you.

    Obesity is a serious and complex disease that profoundly affects physical and emotional health. Many obese individuals have little success in losing weight on their own. Diet, exercise and medication often are not enough. Clearly, for some people, a different approach is warranted.

    At The Center for Bariatrics, in Tijuana, Mexico we offer several minimally invasive surgical options to lose weight. According to Ismael Bailon MD, FACS after bariatric surgery, you get follow-up care and support every step of the way to achieve your weight loss goals.

    Minimally Invasive Procedures

    Bariatric surgery changes your digestive system and helps you lose weight by removing or rerouting a portion of your stomach. The weight loss surgery works by limiting the amount of food you can eat or the number of calories your body can absorb or by doing both.

    At The Center for Bariatrics we have the experience to handle the most challenging and complicated cases. Our surgeons use advanced robotic technology and minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic surgery, to make tiny incisions rather than one large opening. It means you face less scarring and pain, a shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery time to help you get back to normal activities sooner.

    Dr. Ismael Bailon also works with experts in other specialties — such as cardiology, endocrinology and diabetes, gastroenterology, hepatology (liver disease), nephrology (kidney care) — to resolve health complications arising from obesity.

    Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

    The primary goal of bariatric surgery is to treat obesity. For many severely overweight men and women, weight loss surgery is often the best and safest option for long-term weight loss.

    The majority of our patients who undergo weight loss surgery lose between 50 and 70 percent of their excess weight, and many are able to obtain their ideal body weight, often for the first time in their lives.

    The benefits of weight loss surgery extend far beyond weight loss. It offers many health benefits, including:

    • Improving or lowering your risk of developing obesity-related conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, joint problems, kidney disease, sleep apnea, depression and osteoarthritis
    • Helping you become more mobile and physically active
    • Enhancing your mood and quality of life

    Weight Loss Evaluation and Procedures

    We will help you determine if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery through extensive evaluation and consultation. We thoroughly evaluate your needs and medical conditions with compassion and respect before customizing a treatment plan that best suits your goals.

    The type of bariatric surgery best for you depends on several factors, including your general health, needs and preference. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of each procedure and help you determine which one is appropriate for you.

    Weight Loss Surgery Procedures

    At The Center for Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico, we perform a number of bariatric procedures used to perform weight-loss surgery.

    Gastric Balloon

    Gastric balloon placement is a temporary, nonsurgical procedure that produces a sense of fullness and reduces hunger. It can reduce 10 percent of total body weight over six months.

    Dr. Ismael Bailon places a deflated, lightweight gastric device — called the Orbera Balloon — in the stomach and fills it with a saline solution. The solution contains a blue dye that can be easily detected in the urine if the balloon breaks. The intragastric balloon remains in your stomach for up to six months before it’s removed.

    It’s an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day and recover faster. Plus, no incisions are made. However, most insurance plans don’t cover gastric balloon surgery.

    Gastric Bypass

    Gastric bypass surgery, also known as the Roux-en-Y procedure, modifies your stomach and small intestine. Every year, more than 100,000 people in the U.S. undergo gastric bypass surgery.

    Dr. Ismael Bailon reduces the size of your stomach by creating a small pouch at the top using surgical staples or a plastic band. Then, most of the stomach and part of the intestines are bypassed or rerouted by attaching (usually stapling) part of the intestine to the small stomach pouch. As a result, food goes into this small pouch and then directly into the intestines, thereby bypassing most of your stomach. So you can’t eat as much, and your body absorbs fewer nutrients and calories.

    Your hospital stay is usually 48 to 72 hours. Many patients return to normal activity within two and a half weeks. Full surgical recovery usually occurs within three weeks.

    Gastric Sleeve

    The vertical sleeve gastrectomy — also known as the sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve — limits the amount of food you eat by reducing the stomach size.

    Dr. Ismael Bailon removes a portion of the stomach, making it roughly the size and shape of a banana. Afterward, you’ll feel full after eating much less. Because the surgery removes the portion of the stomach that produces a hormone that can make you feel hungry, you won’t want to eat as much, which helps you lose weight.

    The average hospital stay is about 48 hours. Most patients return to normal activity within two weeks. Full surgical recovery usually occurs within three weeks.

    Duodenal Switch

    Duodenal switch surgery is actually two separate procedures performed in one surgical session.

    Dr. Ismael Bailon first gives a sleeve gastrectomy to dramatically reduce the capacity of their stomach – this helps to minimize both caloric intake and the production of hunger-stimulating hormones.

    A gastric bypass is then performed to bypass approximately half of the small intestines – this further reduces the amount of calories and fat the body can absorb in order to promote a rapid reduction in unwanted body fat.

    Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a newer type of minimally invasive weight-loss procedure. There are no cuts with endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty.

    Dr. Ismael Bailon inserts a suturing device into the throat and down to the stomach. The endoscopist then sutures the stomach to make it smaller.

    When your stomach holds less volume, you can feel full with less food, absorb fewer calories and lose weight over time. ESG also shortens and re-shapes the stomach, which helps it empty into the intestines slower. This helps you feel fuller longer.

    Transoral Outlet Reduction

    Transoral outlet reduction is a minimally invasive procedure that can help people who regain weight after gastric bypass surgery.

    Over time, the gastric outlet ― the opening between the gastric pouch and the small intestine ― can enlarge, and food will move into the small intestine faster, leaving you feeling hungry again.

    Transoral outlet reduction reduces the gastric outlet opening by accessing it through the mouth (transoral) with an endoscope (a thin flexible tube) and placing stitches (sutures) in the opening to tighten it.

    A Bariatric Center of Excellence

    The Center for Bariatrics, in Tijuana, Mexico is located at Angeles Health International a fully accredited bariatric surgery center, meeting the highest standards for patient safety and quality. This designation means you get safe, effective and high-quality weight loss surgeries and care at The Center for Bariatrics.

    To schedule an appointment with our board certified bariatric surgeon, Dr. Ismael Bailon, call 619 123-4567 or start a FREE online consultation from the comfort and privacy of your home.

    Typically, we recommend that patients wait between 1-2 weeks (for Lap-Band procedures) to 2-4 weeks (for stapled procedures such as gastric sleeve or bypass) before returning to their jobs. This assumes that the job does not require strenuous activity.

    A waiting period of at least 6 weeks is required for jobs that include lifting over 25 pounds. Returning to work should only happen upon clearance from our office.

    Some hair loss is common between 3 and 6 months following surgery but almost always temporary.

    The reasons for hair loss are not totally understood. Even if you take all recommended supplements and meet protein requirements, hair loss will be noticed until the follicles come back. Adequate intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals will help to ensure hair regrowth, and avoid longer term thinning

    The types of plastic surgery procedures needed after losing a significant amount of weight depend on the patient and can include an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or belt lipectomy to remove excessive skin and tissue around the waist, breast surgery to eliminate sagging or volume loss, arm-lifts or thigh-lifts to remove excess or sagging skin, and other procedures.